[AO announcement] does this paper exist? Herring, 1980, Statistical theory of quasi-geostrophic, turbulence

Baylor Fox-Kemper bfk at colorado.edu
Wed Feb 9 21:31:24 PST 2011

Hi Rob,
  The year and pages are wrong... but it's a great paper (Thanks, Jack!)

Here's a link:


On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 10:15 PM, Rob Scott <robert.scott at univ-brest.fr> wrote:
> I've found this citation:
> J Herring 1980,  "Statistical theory of quasi-geostrophic turbulence" JAS,
> vol. 37, pp. 969--977
> but I can't find the article and I'm starting to suspect it doesn't exist
> yet.
> Usually when this happens there's a trivial mistake in the page range, or
> the date is off by a year or two. But that doesn't seem to be the case here.
> That page range corresponds to another article by Kunkel, K. E., E. W.
> Eloranta, J. A. Weinman, 1980. Yet the mistaken Herring article has 37
> citations on Web of Science! Despite searching for all the articles written
> by JR Herring on Web of Science, (as of Jan 13, 2011) I can't find the
> proper citation. I also looked in Jack Herring's own article, assuming he
> knew the proper citation to his own work! He's only cited the mysterious
> article twice; first in his lecture notes (Herring, 1985) and then in a
> little known paper in Meterology and Atmospheric Physics (Herring, 1988).
> If you've seen this article, please send me a copy!
> Rob Scott
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