[AO announcement] postdoctoral position in regional climate modeling

Edwin P. Gerber gerber at cims.nyu.edu
Wed Feb 23 05:13:42 PST 2011

A three year postdoctoral fellowship in Antarctic and Southern Ocean 
regional climate modeling is available from the Center for Atmosphere 
Ocean Science (CAOS), situated within the Courant Institute of 
Mathematical Sciences at New York University (NYU).  The goal of the 
project is to understand mechanisms of interactive coupling between the 
atmosphere, ocean, and sea ice on the mesoscale, and how these mechanism 
respond to, and potentially feedback upon, large scale climate forcings. 
The project is supported under the "Decadal and Regional Climate 
Prediction using Earth System Models (EaSM)" initiative within NSF.

A primary duty of the fellow will be to couple regional component models 
of the atmosphere (WRF, http://www.wrf-model.org/), ocean (ROMS, 
http://www.myroms.org/), and sea ice (CICE, 
http://oceans11.lanl.gov/trac/CICE). The research will involve applying 
reanalyses and large-scale climate model output to the regional model. A 
PhD in the atmospheric, oceanic, or related sciences is required. 
Experience in coupled climate modeling, or in the regional modeling of 
either the atmosphere, ocean, or sea ice is also necessary. Familiarity 
with high-performance computing is also desirable. The position is 
available as part of a recently funded NSF collaborative effort between 
NYU and Ohio State University (OSU) and Old Dominion University (ODU). The 
fellow would be situated at NYU but visit and collaborate with researchers 
at OSU and ODU.  A competitive salary is offered. The tentative start date 
is July 1, 2011, but is flexible.  For further information please contact 
David Holland (Holland at cims.nyu.edu) or Ed Gerber (gerber at cims.nyu.edu).


Edwin P. Gerber
Assistant Professor
Center for Atmosphere Ocean Science
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
New York University
251 Mercer Street
New York, NY 10012-1110

gerber at cims.nyu.edu
ph  212.998.3269
fax 212.995.4121


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